Visual Handout: The 7 Principles of Universal Design
Universal Design: The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without adaptation or specialized design.
These tools—many designed and tested as part of CAST’s research projects—help educators, developers, families, and other individuals experience the power of flexible learning environments.
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn
For 25 years the Bridges to Success Program has provided a wide range of support services for minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students who need assistance in getting through college.
The dLCV is an organization that provides free information to people and families of those who have {dis}abilities. They also provide free referrals, legal representation, technical assistance, and advocacy services.
Universal Design for Learning and Virginia’s Disability Employment Initiative
How to use UDL as a framework to strengthen our flexibility as educators, employment specialists, faculty, and rehabilitation practitioners so that all students engage in learning with deep understanding.